
Mario Cimarro violent with his telenovela co-stars?

Mario Cimarro, violento con sus co-protagonistas?

Last week, the telenovela world was shocked with the news that allegedly Mario Cimarro (Pasion de Gavilanes, Mar de Amor, El Cuerpo Del Deseo) physically and verbally abused his co-star Ninel Conde (Rebelde). The actor supposedly lost patience after the actress committed many errors in delivering her lines.

Cimarro, on his part, said that his role required such violent behavior. It was part of the scene, he reasoned.

According to TVyNovelas, this is not the first time Mario was accused of committing violence or improper behavior towards his co-protagonistas.

The article:

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3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

It's a outrageous lie!
We love Mario and we admire his professional skill, unwillingness to participate in gossips and dismantlings and ability to
achieve popularity only thanks to achieve popularity only the talent, despite the false, far-fetched quarrels and
low tricks.
besototes.do.am - russian-speaking fan-foum of Mario Cimarro

Anónimo dijo...

Mario Cimarro is a very talanted actor, who’s acting draws your attention from the very moment you see his face on the screen!
I don’t believe that he can physically abuse his telenovela co-star… I’m sure that it was part of the scene!

Anónimo dijo...

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